Tuesday, November 17, 2009

looking back

This summer I went to North Africa on a mission trip... it was the best and worst time of my life. God broke me in so many way and picked me right up and put me on my feet. Each day I felt God breaking me and restoring my heart.It was the BEST pain I ever went through.
Today, I have realized that I am getting further away from HIM, only by my doings. I am confident that God never moves from me. I want to feel that brokeness and still yearn for more of God.
I feel like when I am here...back home, I run the other way when God is breaking,speaking to me. I don't want to listen, I want the easy way out. Sometimes I feel that if I moves to a different country My relationship with God would be somuch better because I would solly seek him for my comfort. But, I also don't wanna run away from my problems...