Thursday, February 25, 2010

for His glory

I have always been ashamed to tell my testimony and to truly look and dig down deep to where God has rescued me from... But that is just it, where GOD rescued me from.

I could never get up and walk away from the lifestyle i was living all alone.

I LOVED to party, that is what I was known for and I liked that attention.

I LOVED to drink and get wild and crazy and have no consequences.

I LOVED to smoke weed and cigarettes and get a second of having no worries.

I LOVED to get a high from doing cocaine and not look inside my life.

I LOVED to take pills to get away from my problems in my life.

I LOVED having meaningless "nights" with guys so I could feel empty and hate myself more.

Although I loved these things and always went to the next level so I could escape and hide from God, still there I was naked, covered in sin in front of him. Every time he tugged on my heart, the harder I tried to hide and get away from him. I searched for love in all these things and was angry with God that I was depressed and going through so much ALONE...

Why on earth would I walk away from that lifestyle that was mine and all that I knew and how people identified me with...

Well it took me having nothing, nobody completely falling on my face to realize that all I needed was Christ.

I was running away and as soon as I took His hand I fell in love. Everything that I LOVED and desired was gone and all the sudden I wanted to please this Loving God that Loves me even when I was covered in sin, he poured his blood on me and made me white as snow and made me HIS.

I look back and am amazed that he rescued me and still loved me and wanted me! How awesome that the God of the universe wanted my attention and wanted to spend time with me.

I just wanted to truly give God all the glory he deserves and more for the pits of my life that he rescued me from. That was a dark and scary place that I HATE looking back at but I know that God is going to use my testimony for his glory!

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